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Connecting plumbers with customers in real-time

The challenge

WPJ Heating found that they were being called out to homes to solve plumbing and heating issues that could have been fixed by the customer themselves, providing that a small degree of technical advice was offered by the engineers.

Thus, WPJ Heating approached Red C to develop a mobile app that would solve this issue and leverage the power of technology to connect the engineer with the customer in real-time through a live video chat functionality, including a flashlight and screenshot abilities.

The result

User journey

Red C designed a prototype app to map out the most efficient user journeys for both the plumber/heating engineer and the customer.


We initially developed Clipfix on iOS to test the market, considering iPhones and iPads still dominate the market in the UK. Following this, we began working on an Android version of the app to maximise accessibility for WPJ Heating customers.

Check out more of our work with construction and utility companies.

  • Choose a reliable, vetted, experienced plumber of your choice
  • Live video call the plumber who will try to help you fix the problem
  • Rate your plumber and the experience
  • Receive your job description and photos from your live video call