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Web Application Architecture

Web Application Architecture: Everything You Need to Know

In line with the rapid rise of other digital mediums, web applications have seen an exponential growth over the last few years. Becoming more and more flexible as their technology develops, web applications are no longer single page documents and can now offer much (if not all) of the same functionality as a full website. This shift has made key parts of a web app even more important, most notably web application architecture which now plays a pivotal role in the growth potential of an app. Getting web application architecture right at the first time of asking streamlines the development process and mitigates many of the issues that app consumers experience post-rollout.

What is Web Application Architecture?

If you think of a web application as a building, architecture is the foundations. Web application architecture dictates how the different components will interact with each other. Architecture also plays a big role in how the web app connects to the consumer and plays a part in loading times, it’s ability to handle multiple requests, and even how easy it is to add new features. All in all, poor architecture can greatly hamper your web application’s functionality and will likely need frequent developer intervention in order to address the myriad of issues that are likely to arise as your app sees regular consumer intake.

How Does Web Application Architecture Work?

There are two components that make up web application architecture.

·        Client Side – Otherwise referred to as the front-end, and dictates the appearance and client interaction of the web app. Frequently written in CSS, HTML, or Java Script depending on app type and complexity.

·        Server Side – Also called the back-end, contains code that responds to HTTP requests and dictates business logic. Frequently written in Python, Ruby, or PHP.

Web Application Architecture Types

Single Page Application (SPA)

One of the most popular architecture types currently in use is the single page application. The defining characteristic of an SPA is that they are able to load all of the page data when the application is opened for the first time. This creates a great user experience and allows for the app to work seamlessly even on older devices. Some of the most popular examples of SPAs are Facebook and Gmail.

Multi-Page Application (MPA)

Historically, all applications were MPAs. These architecture types regularly reload the page to continuously send data to the user’s browser, while this can slow down the overall app and require a higher processing output, it allows for creation of far larger sites. Examples of this include large marketplaces such as eBay and Amazon.

Contact Us for Web Integration, API and Backend Services in London

Get in touch with our experts here at Red C who can help you with developing your apps and give you a wider understanding of iOS. We can also help you with web integration, API, and backend services based in London, which can transform your business processes and your customer experience offering.


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