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How Can Improved Digital Solutions Help Employee Retention Rates?

A key part of running a successful company is keeping your employees invested and retaining them in order to grow your business. A large way to do this is through digital solutions that you can provide within your company. You need to know if your employees are happy and that the equipment you are providing them (especially out of office) is up to a high standard and does not limit them in their work. Read on below for a few tips as to how you can use improved digital solutions to improve employee retention rates.

Employee Satisfaction Survey

It is widely acknowledged that there is a correlation between employee happiness and productivity rates. Therefore, to improve your employee retention rates you should introduce a digital employee satisfaction survey that can give you an indication of how your employees feel about your business and the development and support they are receiving. This is a simple but very effective digital solution to implement as you may not have the time to physically ask employees their opinions, especially if your company is large, but digital surveys can be quickly and simply circulated and are accessible to everyone. This way employees can feel valued by providing them with an opportunity or platform to share their thoughts. As a result of this, you can try and listen to feedback and work together to improve the business.

Digital Recognition & Reward Tool

Along the same theme, implementing a digital recognition/reward tool will be great for keeping up the morale of your employees. It will act as an extra incentive for them to work harder as they know that they will be given the recognition, rewards, and potential bonuses when they do so. If an employee is feeling under-valued in your business, then it is more than likely they will want to leave the business or their productivity levels will drop. Something like an appreciation post of the employee of the month on the company website or internal employee portal to show off your valued employees publicly will also help your employee retention, as they will feel more included within your business.  

Implementing Employee Support Measures

It is understood that larger businesses aim to employ a diverse workforce with staff based in a variety of locations. Due to this, some employees may require more support than others, especially if they are working remotely or out of the office. For example, if you’re running a plastering company, you may have a specific team that is responsible fortravelling off-site to visit and support your employees to oversee their work and provide advice and support where necessary. Implementing a forum or online messenger platform for staff, even if this is a part of an existing company portal can allow employees to have regular contact and access to support even if they are remote or working at a different location to office based staff. It’s important that regular contact is encouraged for remote workers and digital solutions are an ideal way of facilitating regular communication and support.


Contact Us for Web Integration, API and backend services in London

Get in touch with our experts here at Red C who can help you with developing your apps and give you a wider understanding of iOS and Android development. We can help you with web integration, API and backend services in London, which can transform your business processes and your customer experience offering.


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